Friday, July 17, 2009

Newsletter: A Critique of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

For all of those individuals whom were so eagerly awaiting the HarryPotter and the Half-Blood Prince, this is your first and last warning: disappointment will set in as soon as the credits roll. Just like the Goblet of Fire, David Yates has once again drastically strayed from the book and either changed scenes or completely deleted
scenes from the book.

The first warning bell came when I was informed that the movie was to only be rated PG when there are scenes, which are the crux of the book, that were either watered down or completely nixed to cater to the aspect of "clean" entertainment for the public. Don't get me wrong; there are some great scenes and the cinematography as well as the acting has greatly improved. I understand that every scene in the book could not have been included due to time constraints and other things but for those whom have read the book it was slightly disappointing to see how far he strayed from it.

However, my opinion tends to be more critical due to the fact that I have read all of the Harry Potter books and became overly excited for the premiere of the movie, only to find that the movie has been altered in ways that I did not care for nor support. I do believe that everyone should go and see the movie in order to form their own opinion but in the words of Scar from the Lion King, "Be Prepared," for changes and alterations.

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